Oct 16, 2024
The Loom Collapses
My day started with Kai still being here and we were still hanging out in my room. Eventually, someone messages me during this time and it's about Tanuki peeing blood again. They try to persuade me to take Kit and I tell Kai about this. My conversation with Kai wraps up and eventually, they hold Milktea for a bit before booking a ride home. I escort them outside and wait until she's picked up by a rider and then they leave. It was nice to have Kai around, even though it was unexpected.
I went back home slept because I was kind of sick.
In the evening, someone then got home and couldn't send Kit away so they just napped for a bit and I eventually napped for a bit as well. Someone eventually called me and it woke me up. I told them that I would take a bath and focus on myself for once, which they took in offense. It then spirals into this huge fight and segment where they try to get me to take Kit. I really didn't want to handle Kit and I'm not going to their house this late of the night to take Kit and cause a bad memory. I had enough of putting in so much effort for them, only for them to take it for granted or not give a shit about it.
The fight ended with them blocking me and wishing that I never find happiness and that they regret ever meeting me in the first place. I was shocked, more than anything and all I felt for the remainder of the night was pure shock because I knew this day would come.